Andy & Rajeev discuss movies with a New Zealand connection in this fortnightly podcast.


NtoZ_Andy_Profile_250ANDY JAMES | Host
Andy has been making films since high school. He is currently at work on four short film scripts, four feature films and a web series. These include, but are not limited to, a thriller, a horror, a modern day Western, a time-travel loop and a dark sci-fi comedy.

RAJEEV MISHRA | Host & Producer
By day Rajeev is a Film & TV professional on feature films (Fresh Meat, Pork PieGhost in the Shell), commercials & TV shows. By night he works on shorts, scripts, music videos & web series as part of An Indian, A Chinaman & A White Guy Walk into a Bar.

sealJEREMY VEAL | Audio Wizard
Jeremy is a sound guy who, amazingly, still retains most of his hearing. He is logical and reasonable, and also likes Logic and Reason. He likes quiet things such as ponds and clouds, and is always asking people to turn that shit down. Jeremy thinks good dance music died along with the 90’s.



Where can you listen to the PodCast? Why right here on this site! If you want to listen to it through other means, you can also find us in these places:

SoundCloud  |  iTunes  |  Blubrry  |  Stitcher  |  TuneIn  |  Overcast

And pretty much anywhere you can listen to podcasts. Happy listening!



We would like to give a huge thanks to the following folks. This podcast wouldn’t have been possible without your support. You all know what you did. Big thanks. You guys all rock!


Dawa Devereux
Dan Christie
Chris Tse
Dan Slevin
Richard & Tim at Avalon Studios
Paul Brennan
All the guys at Aro Video
Shahir Daud